Atitech Christmas solidarity is back


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Bologna, 29 novembre 2024 - Il presidente e amministratore delegato

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natale solidale atitech
Atitech Christmas solidarity is back

The solidarity initiative promoted by Atitech is now in its fourth year. Once again this year, our company, in
addition to supporting the initiative, will make its facilities available for the distribution of as many as 100
hot meals a day for families in need in the neighborhoods of Secondigliano, Miano, Casoria and Afragola.

Two new features this year: distribution will cover a longer period of time, from Dec. 16 to Jan. 7. In
addition, Atitech president and CEO Gianni Lettieri wanted at his side, in addition to the already well-
established volunteering team of the LarSec association for the logistical aspects, a fine local reality of
young people already working in social work: the meals will, in fact, be cooked by the employees of the
Klarc cooperative born within the Vincentian family (San Vincenzo De Paoli) with already important social
initiatives to its credit.

Although after the years of crisis the economy is showing signs of recovery, this is not enough to make us
look away from those who are still struggling to afford a decent life; said Lettieri. ;I felt it was important to
repeat the Solidarity Christmas initiative again this year. The holidays are the days when social disparities
become more evident. With this concrete initiative we hope to make many families in our area spend the
holiday season more peacefully.

The menu – consisting of a first course, main course, side dish and bread – varies every day, with more
flavorful dishes and a few surprises on holidays.